Caffeine, Alcohol, Marijuana, and Nicotine (clockwise from ground) ponder a lime-green toxic-looking liquid. “Vice Play,” written by Sally E. Peach ’09 and directed by Danbee Kim ’09 (also a Tech cartoonist), stars Nicolina A. Akraboff ’08, Alaina Hourigan, Monica F. Kahn ’10, and Sean P. Faulk ’11, respectively, as they attempt to get a deeper understanding of their individual worlds. MIT Dramashop presents four One Acts Nov. 8–10 at 8 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre.
Caffeine, Alcohol, Marijuana, and Nicotine (clockwise from ground) ponder a lime-green toxic-looking liquid. “Vice Play,” written by Sally E. Peach ’09 and directed by Danbee Kim ’09 (also a Tech cartoonist), stars Nicolina A. Akraboff ’08, Alaina Hourigan, Monica F. Kahn ’10, and Sean P. Faulk ’11, respectively, as they attempt to get a deeper understanding of their individual worlds. MIT Dramashop presents four One Acts Nov. 8–10 at 8 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre.
Andrea Robles—The Tech