Frank (played by Paul D. Welle ’11, left) and Poole (Jiho Lee ’08) plan the firing of a rocket in “Incendiary Evidence.” The play, written by Rony D. Kubat G and directed by Emilie Slaby, is about firing rockets and other incendiary devices. MIT Dramashop presents four One Acts Nov. 8–10 at 8 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre.
Frank (played by Paul D. Welle ’11, left) and Poole (Jiho Lee ’08) plan the firing of a rocket in “Incendiary Evidence.” The play, written by Rony D. Kubat G and directed by Emilie Slaby, is about firing rockets and other incendiary devices. MIT Dramashop presents four One Acts Nov. 8–10 at 8 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre.
Andrea Robles—The Tech