This chart shows the lowest and highest rents charged in 2007–8 to graduate students living in the five single graduate dormitories. The family apartment buildings Westgate and Eastgate are not listed here. Rates for 2008–9 and for NW35, the new Ashdown House, have not yet been set. NW35 will offer a number of different kinds of rooms, including low-cost three-bedroom suites without kitchens.
This chart shows the lowest and highest rents charged in 2007–8 to graduate students living in the five single graduate dormitories. The family apartment buildings Westgate and Eastgate are not listed here. Rates for 2008–9 and for NW35, the new Ashdown House, have not yet been set. NW35 will offer a number of different kinds of rooms, including low-cost three-bedroom suites without kitchens.
Source: MIT Housing Web site