Tuesday’s Tech ran a photo on p. 8 of the MIT Gangnam Style video’s three creators. The caption incorrectly stated that Ingwon Chae ’14, Richard C. Yoon ’13, and Eddie Ha ’13 were standing right to left. They were actually standing left to right.
Who will win tonight’s election?
A wise man once said, “It’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” But judging by the enormous volume of guesses made in the national print, merely making a prediction seems to take no effort at all. Bewilderingly, this election cycle has predictions that run the gamut from an imminent Romney victory, to a completely tied race, to a foregone conclusion for Obama, all made with straight faces by normally reasonable people.
Giving the president his night in New York
With just a few days remaining before the election, and with the presidential candidates locked in a dead heat, polls suggest that the outcome will depend on the last-minute decisions of a handful of voters who are still undecided, especially in critical swing states. Sampling in various polls also indicates that among likely voters, the economy will be the overriding issue.
Tuesday’s Tech ran a crossword that did not match up with the clues given. The correct crossword has been provided for the original clues, which have been reprinted on page 10 of this issue.
Deaf accessibility at MIT
Last month, I attended MIT’s presidential inauguration hoping to join the celebration and learn more about President Reif. But most of the time, I found myself left out and merely spectating. I was bombarded by incomprehensible information and I was not able to celebrate as much as I wanted. I am one of MIT’s very few functionally deaf students. Ironically, in an inaugural celebration that touted the Institute’s “diversity,” the facilities for deaf accessibility were mostly hit-and-miss.
An article published October 26, 2012 reviewing Junot Díaz’s latest book “This is How You Lose Her,” incorrectly referred to Díaz as a Professor of Literature. He is a Professor of Writing in the Writing and Humanistic Studies program.
Mens et Manus … et Voluntas
Students coming to MIT are in for a mind-boggling exposure to volunteerism and hands on learning. Alumni have an obligation to volunteer, and thankfully, at MIT, many do so with zeal. However, volunteerism hardly stops there. It permeates every academic department, laboratory, research center, studio, and administrative program at the Institute. Furthermore, it fosters student idealism.
A reporter’s notebook last Friday misstated the name of the first place winner of the Elevator Pitch Contest. The contest was won by Andrea B. Colaço, not Andrea Glaco.
Bold solutions vs. petty attacks
“Vote like your ladyparts depend on it.” This is the message that greeted users browsing the Obama campaign website the day before the first presidential debate. The message was clear, and it was petty. If you saw the message and thought “gee, how becoming of the president. How grand a message,” you were one of very few.
MITx and the classroom of tomorrow
In recent weeks, there has been much energy and enthusiasm about both MITx and its multi-institutional counter part edX. Listening to the debate over how MITx can be integrated into the residential experience, I am impressed by how much thought all affected parties have invested. We as a community are at a crossroads. We have been presented with an opportunity to substantially change what it means to receive a college education. This possibility excites me, but for others it may seem slightly frightening. Many people are concerned about what we may lose in the process of integrating online education into our current system. While these concerns are certainly valid, I am still optimistic. Rather than focus on how MITx might harm, I focus on how it can transform. What follows is my vision of how this transformation might play out.
A front page photo of Walter Lewin published last Friday incorrectly said that his lecture took place on Thursday. It took place on Tuesday.
Our civil duty not to vote?
As November 6 approaches, we once again hear the calls of political activists insisting that it is not only our right but our responsibility to vote in the upcoming election. We Americans take this oft-repeated mantra as a given, as a basic necessity of an effective government. But seeing that even informed voters have an amateur understanding of the issues facing the country, are we really in a position to decide which policies should be enacted on a national scale? Does the electorate understand the issues on which it votes?
President Obama and the terrible, no good, very bad debate
Some of the damage done by Obama in the recent presidential debate has likely been mitigated by good numbers for current employment from the Department of Labor, but the polling still tells a dismal verdict for Obama’s performance. A strong debate for a presidential challenger normally turns around polls by about three points; Romney’s win turned around the polls by a whopping 4.6 points, turning a 3.1 deficit versus Obama into a 1.5 point lead in RealClearPolitics’ aggregation of polls. On Intrade, Romney’s odds have climbed 15 points, from 25 percent to 40 percent, while Nate Silver, who runs The New York Times’ prediction model, has Romney improving by 18.2 points, more than doubling to a 32.1 percent chance of victory.
What’s in a debate?
Debates are like a circus. There is promotional advertising, the grand performance, and then afterwards, you exit through the gift shop, designed to give you the impression that what you have just watched was immensely entertaining and gratifying.
An interactive for last Friday's article about MIT's endowment incorrectly showed Stanford's 2012 endowment at $19.7 billion with a 19 percent increase in FY 2012. It is actually $17.0 billion, having increased by 3 percent.
The name of one of the author’s for last Friday’s guest column, “Childcare — a gift for the MIT family,” was misspelled. He is Thomas Crouzier, not Thomas Cruzier.