UA Innovation and Maize pilot free delivery service for off-campus food options
Right now, the pilot offers free delivery from Clover, but Yusuf stated that they are working to expand to include Life Alive, Whole Heart Provisions, Saloniki, and Chipotle.
Faculty vote to move commencement one week earlier
The changes will impact spring registration day, Patriots’ Day weekend, and finals week, and they will take effect May 2020.
Students continue to raise concerns over dining plans
Residence hall representatives mainly focused on breakfast swipe utilization, lunch, and community building issues.
Social Implications and Responsibilities of Computing, Academic Degrees working groups present ideas for College of Computing
HASS Dean Melissa Nobles said that the goal of the working group is to examine ways to integrate scholarship on the social implications and responsibilities of computing into the fabric of the college.
Organizational Structure and Faculty Appointments working groups hold joint forum
Two of the major questions the working group is tackling, EECS Department Head Ozdaglar explained, are what role EE will play in the new college, and how non-College of Computing faculty will connect to the college.
Drop date, UA elections, reuse event
Choose to Reuse is holding a reuse event for office supplies on Thursday, April 18 at the Stata Center. Drop-off begins 8 a.m. and items can be picked up from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m..
Doug Lauffenburger reflects on time as inaugural biological engineering department head
The goal of the program was "different than had ever been done before, and that is to ground bioengineering in modern molecular and cell biology."
Students play open-source Dance Dance Revolution emulator in Rebecca’s Café
The new machine, a state-of-the-art StepManiaX that retails for over $7000, is now free for anyone to use during Rebecca’s Café business hours and available to MIT cardholders 24/7.
Elango, Green on institutionalizing transparency, working towards free tuition, and eradicating food insecurity
"Students are dealing with financial burdens directly tied to what they owe MIT. And it affects not just their present circumstances, but through their decision-making it ends up affecting their future," vice presidential candidate Kelvin Green said.
TechMart and Student Center dining to undergo changes, renovations
A group of students and staff will examine ways to improve the food variety and quality in the Student Center.
Sal Khan ’98 encourages students to find and pursue passion projects
Khan said that college students should learn at their own pace with online tools, such as edX and Khan Academy.
MIT instates new review process for ‘elevated-risk’ international proposals
Zuber framed MIT’s decision to instate this new process as “proactive” in responding to federal concerns about problems like intellectual property theft and national security. “No one in the government said that they were threatening to cut our funding,” she said.
Spring career fair, advanced degree thesis title
The Spring Career Fair is today 11 a.m to 4 p.m.
Stratton Student Center Subway closed
The closure occurred “abruptly due to issues between Subway’s parent company and the franchisee that ran the W20 location,” according to a statement from Mark Hayes, director of MIT Dining, emailed to The Tech.
MIT Dining pilots online ordering for campus retail dining
The GET app will allow customers to place orders in advance online, and is expected to be available to the entire community by Fall 2019.
New minimum meal plan to include more meals, fewer dining dollars
The minimum required meal plan for upper-level students living in dining dorms has been increased to 150 meals per semester from 125. The amount of dining dollars in the meal plan has been reduced to $100 per semester.
Undergraduate Enrolled Student Survey results released
The results of the Undergraduate Enrolled Student Survey (ESS), a survey MIT administers every four years in the spring, were emailed to students last Thursday. The survey, with a 38% response rate, indicated that the student body generally feels positively about the campus community and their learning, but a significant proportion of students also frequently feel overwhelmed or stressed. Other factors surveyed include extracurricular participation, majors, and eating habits.
Spring break shuttle service, host for CPW
Shuttle service from Kresge to Logan Airport is available from Thursday to Saturday at scheduled departure times.
6-9, 22-ENG majors proposed at faculty meeting
Two new Bachelor of Science majors were proposed at the faculty meeting March 20. One is a joint major between the EECS and Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) departments, and the other is a flexible nuclear science engineering major.