Chem grad student Yu-Pu shares a capella remakes with growing YouTube fanbase
“If anyone asks us what we’re doing,” said Yu-Pu Wang, a first year graduate student studying chemistry here at MIT, “just tell them the truth.”
Nick Sisler: ‘big brother’
Many MIT students are searching for a way to help others. Nick Sisler ’11, Course II, has discovered how to make a difference in the life of an 11-year old boy. Nick has been a “big brother” to Evan Wilcox for three years, and was recently selected as a finalist for the Massachusetts Bay Big Brother Big Sister of the Year award. The Big Brother Big Sister program pairs children aged 6 through 18 with older mentors to develop “positive relationships that have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of young people,” according to their website.
Class of 2010 graduates today
MIT’s 143rd graduating class will receive their degrees on Killian Court today. At the commencement ceremony, 912 undergraduate students and 1443 graduate students will graduate.
New plans for dining: Breakfast, <br />more meals, higher price
On May 19, the House Dining Advisory Group (HDAG) released its 4-page final recommendation for House Dining, effective in Fall 2011. The new plan offers all-you-can-eat breakfast and dinner seven days a week at the four dorms with dining halls (Baker, McCormick, Next, and Simmons). The final costs will depend on the selected vendor, but are now estimated to be $2,900/year for the cheapest plan and $3,800/year for the most expensive.
IFC hits DTD hard for CPW incident
An investigation by the Interfraternity Council has implicated Delta Tau Delta in the incident of a prospective student who became unconscious after consuming too much alcohol during Campus Preview Weekend. The IFC’s ruling imposes a number of sanctions on DTD, which include a one year ban on alcohol in the DTD house, a one-and-a-half year ban on most social events, restrictions on off-campus trips during next year’s rush, and a ban on hosting prefrosh during next year’s CPW.
Wartman, smiling, goes north
Jed W. Wartman, Assistant Dean for Student Activities, likes to say “yes” to good ideas. In his four years at MIT, he says this attitude is what has characterized his work. It’s an attitude he plans to take to his new position this fall as Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Campus Life at Colby College in Maine.
Opposite N42, a new bakery opens
A new aroma is coming to MIT. It’s the smell of delicious cookies, breads, and pastries from Flour Bakery and Cafe’s newest installation, Flour3. According to the bakery’s website, <i>http://www.</i><i>flourbakery</i><i>.com</i>, the new location hopes to open before the end of June. The new location will be firing up its ovens on 190 Mass Ave., right next to Central Bottle, the new wine store that opened in November, and opposite the Information Services and Technology building.
UA Finboard Releases Summer/Fall 2010 Funding Results
Group Req.Operations AllocationOperations Req.Capital AllocatedCapital Req.Events AllocatedEvents Req.P&P AllocatedP&P TotalReq. TotalAlloc. %Alloc. Active Minds at MIT $900 $600 $1,700 $200 $2,600 $800 31% African Students Association $4,932 $1,800 $338 $200 $5,270 $2,000 38% Alpha Phi Omega $200 $200 $200 $200 100% Alternative Spring Break $50 $50 $195 $195 $30 $30 $275 $275 100% MIT American Medical Students’ Association $300 $1,225 $600 $60 $60 $1,585 $660 42% American Red Cross Team and Network $1,324 $1,324 $90 $70 $1,460 $660 $132 $132 $3,006 $2,186 73% Anime Club, MIT $2,200 $700 $740 $740 $202 $202 $3,142 $1,642 52% Asian American Association $200 $100 $100 $100 $1,530 $1,460 $200 $200 $2,030 $1,860 92% Asian Baptist Student Koinonia $550 $220 $830 $580 $175 $150 $1,555 $950 61% Asian Christian Fellowship $500 $180 $220 $200 $200 $125 $25 $1,045 $405 39% MIT Assassins’ Guild $380 $380 $295 $120 $900 $900 $230 $230 $1,805 $1,630 90% Association of International Relations and Model United Nations $945 $1,150 $400 $390 $100 $2,485 $500 20% Association of Puerto Rican Students $300 $365 $170 $6,335 $2,000 $78 $78 $7,078 $2,248 32% Association of Taiwanese Students $235 $160 $2,240 $2,010 $100 $100 $2,575 $2,270 88% Asymptones $100 $50 $100 $50 50% Baptist Student Fellowship $750 $350 $50 $50 $800 $400 50% Best Buddies $320 $320 $80 $80 $400 $400 100% MIT Bhangra $3,850 $950 $425 $250 $4,275 $1,200 28% Biological Engineering - Biomedical Engineering Society (BE-BMES) $1,625 $1,350 $345 $170 $1,970 $1,520 77% Black Students’ Union $2,950 $2,000 $180 $180 $3,130 $2,180 70% Black Women’s Alliance $3,075 $1,800 $250 $250 $3,325 $2,050 62% Brain and Cognitive Sciences Society $544 $444 $6 $6 $550 $450 82% Brain Trust $55 $55 $1,257 $1,227 $108 $108 $1,420 $1,390 98% Campus Crusade for Christ $860 $2,800 $1,400 $210 $80 $3,870 $1,480 38% Campus Crusade for Cthulhu, MIT $200 $200 $675 $675 $150 $150 $1,025 $1,025 100% MIT Casino Rueda Group $850 $850 $275 $75 $440 $440 $50 $50 $1,615 $1,415 88% Caving Club $675 $675 $1,449 $390 $250 $250 $40 $40 $2,414 $1,355 56% MIT Chamak $185 $195 $330 $250 $60 $30 $575 $475 83% MIT Chess Club $230 $230 $280 $150 $510 $380 75% China Care $554 $1,800 $750 $100 $100 $2,454 $850 35% MIT Chinese Ensemble $147 $147 $230 $170 $50 $50 $427 $367 86% Chinese Students’ Club $270 $100 $560 $360 $10,380 $1,700 $200 $200 $11,410 $2,360 21% The Chorallaries of MIT $1,000 $150 $150 $150 $1,150 $300 26% Colleges Against Cancer $350 $350 $30 $30 $380 $380 100% Concert Band $200 $200 $1,100 $1,100 $700 $400 $215 $215 $2,215 $1,915 86% Cross Products $105 $105 $70 $70 $104 $105 $279 $280 100% Curling Club $300 $300 $150 $150 $20 $20 $470 $470 100% Dance Troupe $1,000 $250 $2,000 $2,000 $400 $200 $3,400 $2,450 72% MIT Debate Team $3,100 $1,500 $3,100 $1,500 48% MIT-EMS $460 $150 $900 $100 $1,000 $150 $630 $400 $2,990 $800 27% Engineers Without Borders - MIT $250 $250 $500 $500 $345 $200 $1,095 $950 87% MIT Fillipino Students Association $1,750 $1,100 $50 $50 $1,800 $1,150 64% GaMIT $1,150 $950 $35 $35 $1,185 $985 83% Gilbert and Sullivan Players $1,000 $300 $480 $480 $1,480 $780 53% Global Poverty Initiative $820 $820 $150 $150 $970 $970 100% MIT Go Club $200 $200 $225 $180 $155 $155 $580 $535 92% MIT Gospel Choir $1,260 $300 $50 $1,965 $1,315 $270 $270 $3,545 $1,885 53% Habitat for Humanity $2,800 $1,000 $2,270 $300 $300 $5,370 $1,300 24% MIT Hapa $1,150 $1,150 $20 $20 $1,170 $1,170 100% MIT Hawaii Club $560 $300 $100 $100 $1,000 $800 $200 $1,660 $1,400 84% MIT Hillel $650 $450 $475 $4,505 $325 $150 $5,955 $600 10% Hindu Students Council $125 $100 $90 $40 $1,925 $1,500 $205 $205 $2,345 $1,845 79% Hong Kong Student Society $1,150 $950 $100 $100 $1,250 $1,050 84% Imobilare $150 $150 $50 $50 $200 $200 100% Komaza $2,300 $2,300 $2,300 $2,300 100% Korean Students’ Association $60 $300 $100 $1,700 $600 $250 $250 $2,310 $950 41% La Union Por Chicano Atzlan $950 $750 $1,070 $800 $130 $130 $2,150 $1,680 78% Lab for Chocolate Science $200 $200 $1,050 $650 $50 $50 $1,300 $900 69% LDSSA (Latter-Day Saint Student Association) $120 $120 $528 $528 $100 $100 $748 $748 100% Lecture Series Committee $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 100% MIT Lion Dance Club $10 $10 $10 $10 $350 $350 $5 $5 $375 $375 100% MIT Live Music Connection $720 $720 $350 $300 $1,070 $1,020 95% MIT Logarhythms $500 $500 $180 $180 $1,100 $150 $203 $203 $1,983 $1,033 52% MAES $85 $1,623 $528 $150 $150 $1,858 $678 36% MIT Marching Band $100 $100 $375 $225 $70 $70 $545 $395 72% MentorConnection $450 $900 $300 $50 $50 $950 $800 84% mitBEEF $400 $100 $1,450 $1,200 $150 $150 $2,000 $1,450 73% MITraas $650 $1,565 $80 $2,295 0% Mocha Moves $170 $170 $502 $452 $100 $100 $772 $722 94% Movements in Time $400 $30 $30 $430 $30 7% Mujeres Latinas $150 $150 $2,375 $1,500 $250 $225 $2,775 $1,875 68% MIT Muses $100 $100 $1,000 $350 $150 $100 $100 $1,550 $350 23% Musical Theatre Guild $1,058 $818 $1,800 $1,100 $2,858 $1,918 67% National Society of Black Engineers $500 $500 $1,810 $1,310 $70 $70 $2,380 $1,880 79% National Society of Collegiate Scholars $204 $54 $1,215 $1,473 0% MIT Natya $825 $825 $100 $100 $925 $925 100% Network of Sloan Undergraduate Women $1,210 $960 $390 $390 $1,600 $1,350 84% Nigerian Students Association $600 $600 $100 $100 $700 $700 100% NOBCChE-MIT $2,025 $400 $70 $70 $2,095 $470 22% Oori $300 $300 $300 $300 100% OrigaMIT $150 $150 $129 $129 $335 $335 $30 $30 $644 $644 100% PaksMIT $2,210 $650 $180 $100 $2,390 $750 31% Pershing Rifles $300 $300 $895 $605 $1,195 $905 76% MIT Pro Life $180 $140 $273 $63 $453 $203 45% MIT Quidditch Team $200 $200 $530 $250 $400 $400 $75 $75 $1,205 $925 77% RecycleMania $500 $200 $200 $200 $700 $400 57% Resonance $20 $20 $1,200 $350 $850 $150 $2,070 $520 25% Ridonkulous $905 $300 $1,000 $175 $2,380 0% Science Fiction Society, MIT $3,000 $1,000 $3,000 $1,000 33% SEALNet@MIT $349 $110 $778 $778 $70 $70 $1,197 $958 80% Shakespeare Ensemble $940 $240 $400 $400 $50 $50 $1,390 $690 50% Sloan Undergraduate Management Association $30 $130 $130 $1,600 $1,000 $240 $240 $2,000 $1,370 69% Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers $700 $500 $130 $30 $830 $530 64% South Asian American Students $45 $45 $1,835 $1,035 $245 $230 $2,125 $1,310 62% Stand Up Comedy Club $350 $200 $290 $290 $50 $50 $690 $540 78% Strategic Games Society $200 $200 $150 $150 $10 $5 $360 $355 99% Student Juggling Club $265 $75 $75 $25 $25 $365 $100 27% MITSI - MIT Students for Israel $1,700 $100 $1,800 0% Students for the Exploration and Development of Space $400 $400 $200 $200 $700 $500 $100 $100 $1,400 $1,200 86% Sustainability@MIT $900 $5,500 $500 $100 $100 $6,500 $600 9% MIT Swara $3,300 $1,500 $300 $200 $3,600 $1,700 47% MIT Syncopasian $35 $35 $45 $45 $500 $250 $180 $180 $760 $510 67% Techiya $45 $60 $50 $300 $455 0% Toons $500 $500 $600 $400 $470 $270 $1,570 $1,170 75% MIT Traditional Medicine Society $820 $515 $1,335 0% MIT Undergraduate Biochemistry Association $680 $680 $60 $60 $740 $740 100% MIT Undergraduate Research Journal $2,000 $2,000 $200 $200 $400 $250 $2,600 $2,450 94% United Christian Fellowship $110 $110 $50 $50 $410 $45 $45 $410 $615 $615 100% University Alliance for Essential Medicine $100 $240 $2,200 $200 $2,740 0% Vietnamese Students Association $70 $25 $1,095 $1,095 $40 $40 $1,230 $1,135 92% Voo Doo $200 $1,750 $1,750 $1,950 $1,750 90% Western Hemisphere Project $100 $510 $510 $150 $150 $760 $660 87% Music groups x 250 (10) $2500 $2500 TOTAL $209,301 $109,467
A photo caption on page 15 of the Friday, May 7 issue incorrectly stated that the John Hancock Tower in Boston was designed by I.M. Pei ’40. While the Tower was designed by Pei’s firm, Pei Cobb Freed and Partners, the architects were Henry N. Cobb and Harold Fredenburgh, not Pei.
Inside the Reactor
The reactor building is divided into two sections — an external portion where the offices and basic training facilities are kept, and the containment chamber, the domed building that surrounds the reactor itself.
Physicists say weapon failed in missile tests
President Barack Obama’s plans for reducing America’s nuclear arsenal and defeating Iran’s missiles rely heavily on a new generation of anti-missile defenses, which last year he called “proven and effective.”
Anna Tang’s trial set for June 22
The trial of Anna Tang, accused of stabbing her ex-boyfriend in 2007, has been postponed once again, until June 22 and 23.
MIT and NStar to save $50M in energy
Last week Wednesday, May 26, MIT announced its “Efficiency Forward” initiative aimed at drastically cutting MIT’s energy use and cost over the next three years.
Slocum named to energy secretary’s oil spill panel
MIT professor of mechanical engineering Alexander H. Slocum ’82 was recently appointed by U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu to join a group of five scientists whose primary purpose is to devise alternative strategies to help slow the BP oil spill.
MIT announces yield %
Around 64 percent of prospective freshmen chose to accept their offers of admissions to MIT, roughly the same fraction as did last year, according to Dean of Admissions Stuart Schmill ’86.