Students protest Senior House ‘depopulation,’ new freshman program
Students protested MIT’s decision to “depopulate Senior House” Friday. The protest started with a sign-making session in Lobby 7, followed by a march to the chancellor’s office where various protesters spoke.
Editor’s Note
Last Monday morning, The Tech published our last planned issue for the month. When the decisions surrounding removing current Senior House residents from E2 and initiating the Pilot 2021 in the building were announced later that afternoon, we began to plan a special issue so that we could print about these events in a timely fashion.
Students, alums respond to Senior House depopulation and Pilot 2021
Current students and community members respond
Administration decides to resettle Senior House residents, citing “unhealthy behavior” during last year’s turnaround period
Senior House will be mostly depopulated, and will instead house students in Pilot 2021, a new program for freshmen focused on “academics, personal development, and wellbeing.” Current residents will need to go through a “selective” application process in order to live in the dorm next year.