VARIOUS STATES OF UNDRESS Frolicking on the first date
“If a girl will sleep with me on the first date, she’s a slut.”
QUARKINESS Cryogenic tricks and treats
Have you experienced cryogenic tricks and treats at MIT? Well, it’s not too late if you haven’t. There are activities starring cryogenics throughout CPW, and they all use liquid nitrogen as their cryogen of choice. The reason is simple: Liquid nitrogen is cheap thanks to its atmospheric abundance (in fact, liquid nitrogen is cheaper than car gas!). While other cryogenic liquids would do similar tricks, they are made from rarer gases and are correspondingly pricier.
VARIOUS STATES OF UNDRESS Long-distance lovers
It pains me to say this because I don’t want to crap all over your fantasy, even if it’s with a healthy dose of reality. But that thing about true love overcoming everything, even distance? That’s a lie.
BROUHAHA RHYTHM Visions of nerds dancing in my head
I like to dance. It’s basically the only exercise I get, and I get to meet all sorts of interesting people outside of MIT. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that there are plenty of opportunities around campus to mingle, but coordinated shouting at movie screens can only get you so acquainted with the people around you. I don’t even care all that much about what kind of dancing I’m doing — club dancing, ballroom dancing, I’ll even Michael Jackson dance if the opportunity arises, objections from bystanders notwithstanding. After the past three weeks, though, given that I can count the muscles in my legs and feet based on the individual types of soreness they’re experiencing, it’s become apparent that such a thing as too much dancing does exist.
BROUHAHA RHYTHM Moderating musical tastes
Upon hearing that I’d only ever heard the highlights from the <i>Phantom of the Opera</i>, as opposed to the full soundtrack, a friend of mine who is...enthusiastic about the show lent me the two-disc complete set over spring break. The fact that I still remembered most of the lyrics, in spite of not having heard them in the better part of a decade, is testament to both how much I enjoyed <i>Phantom</i> and how little other music I had access to at age 12. My much-belated apologies to the people in my 7th grade gym class on the day I thought the title song was appropriate workout music.
Last week, I met one of my good friends for lunch at a fancy restaurant, the kind where they hand you a steak knife for your burger, and she started talking about sex with her man-friend. She’s usually more reserved, so I was curious.
BROUHAHA RHYTHM Rocking out with Ryanhood
A few weeks ago, I had the chance to hang out with one of my favorite bands. My friends can attest to how much of a fan I am of acoustic guitar duo Ryanhood, probably while rolling their eyes and sighing. As it happens, I’m not the only person in the Greater Boston-Cambridge metropolitan area who considers himself a devotee of the band, which recently had a show in the area. Caitlin Mason and Chris Chiampa in Malden, unable to make it to the concert in Boston on March 6, opened her apartment to Ryanhood the next day for some Beatles: Rock Band with band members Ryan Green and Cameron Hood. Luckily for me, a few other fans got to come along for the ride, myself included.
Those who know me can all agree on one thing: I am anything but boring. I’m feisty and loud, I’m the life of the party, and I’m always down for an adventure. I guess that’s why my guy friends were surprised when I said my favorite position is the missionary.
Love, electrodigital
<b>It’s Sunday afternoon on, and 27,942 people looking for love on the Intertubes. They are shooting digital winks and kissy missives into the ether, trying to chat up that cute girl who loves Nabokov, or Mr. Tall-Dark-Handsome-Good-Job-Outdoorsy-on-the-Weekends. It’s humanity’s oldest social ritual, now 110 percent electrodigitized.</b> Is there really love out there? Can two-dimensional interactions on an LCD screen really substitute for brews at the Thirsty, or an after work softball game? The four former math majors from Harvard who founded aren’t completely sure, but the social experiment unfolding on their website is already changing everything you thought you knew about dating.
BROUHAHA RHYTHM Rain, rain, go away
What Boston rain lacks in intensity, it seems determined to make up for in persistence. Even if downpours are few and far between around here, three straight days of halfhearted rain will turn a grassy field into a swamp and a sidewalk into an archipelago of vaguely connected islands. Avoiding pneumonia being the reasonably high priority that it is, after submitting psets on time and a full eight minutes of sleep every night, it only seems intelligent to dress appropriately for the occasional minor flood.
As MIT students, there is no doubt we spend a lot of time in front of a computer. We check our e-mail compulsively and procrastinate by IMing and Facebook-stalking former flames instead of writing that paper or finishing that pset. Naturally, the fact that we live with fingers glued to the keyboard affects our relationships.
How to ruin your three-day weekend
When you spend as much time indoors as an MIT student during a Massachusetts winter, cabin fever isn’t the only ailment that’s likely to break down your immune system’s barricades. Just the other week, several staffers at <i>The Tech</i>, including me, were beset by some of the nasty bugs that have been floating around campus as of late.
You reel me out, then you cut the string
I recently figured out that the boy I dated last semester was a total fucking waste of time. I kind of already knew that, but hearing the truth to all the lies he fed me when he broke things off was a ground-breaking moment for me. While I am over the whole thing now and glad he’s not around, there’s no getting around the fact that I suffered in the aftermath of the event just because he didn’t know how to ditch me with some finesse. Guys, please learn how to properly dump a girl.
When it’s said and done, <br />will she spit it out or swallow?
I was recently talking to a male friend about sex and what-not — you know, the usual — when he told me that he would never kiss a girl who had just gone down on him.
And The Vibrator Goes To…
<b>V</b>alentine’s Day is this Sunday, and regardless of your relationship status, you should learn to “love” yourself properly.
All my single ladies
This weekend is Valentine’s Day, which is pretty awesome if you’re coupled up but kinda sucky if you’re single — and especially shitteous if you’re a single gal. For single girls, Valentine’s Day serves mostly as a reminder of how much we fail at life that we don’t have a “special someone” to do cute things for us and buy us flowers and take us to dinner. Can we get Hallmark working on some “You (don’t have a dick to) suck” cards that I can buy for myself on the 14th to supplement my romantic evening of watching <i>Pretty Woman</i> and feasting on some Chubby Hubby?
The ethical <br />merry-go-round broke down
The other night, I was with some friends and watching a Looney Tunes marathon (3 DVDs from four-disc set, $3 at the thrift store), when the question arose of why we, one of many generations who grew up on cartoons, aren’t more messed up than we are. What went on television when we were young would have today’s parents up in arms and at the doorsteps of the production companies before you could say “That’s all, folks!”
I Don’t Need No Minute Man
I’m horrible as far as introductions go, so I’ll say this: For someone who got tapped to write the sex/relationships column for The Tech, I sure have been having a crappy sex life as of late. Pathetic, even. I used to have pretty good sex, but at some point, it all went to shit.
Sex toys: Two can play at this game
<i>Christine:</i> Sexually adventurous as I am, I managed to talk a partner into trying out a vibrating cock ring. From his initial hesitation, I should’ve known better.
The Tech’s 2010 Sex Toy Giveaway
<b>A</b>nother sad, single Valentine’s day? Not this year! This year, <i>The Tech</i> is here to ease your loneliness...with sex toys and lube! (What did you expect?) If you’d like to win one, write in to <i></i> with “Sex Toy Giveaway” in the subject line, and tell us why you deserve a particular item. Unrequited love? An incompetent partner? An inconvenient mole? Share your pain.