Fun puzzles & games

Crossword: Block Party

10832 blockparty grid
The blank of the Vol. 145 Issue 2 crossword, Block Party.
Manaal Mohammed–The Tech
10833 blockparty solution
The solution of the Vol. 145 Issue 2 crossword, Block Party.
Manaal Mohammed–The Tech

This is a lightly challenging themed midi puzzle. Play the online version here.

1 World Wide ___
4 Tease
7 A little, in music
8 Many bodybuilders are on it
9 "if u ask me"
10 Heaven-sent food
11 The Weeknd hit
13 Knee part, briefly
14 Morning after pill brand
16 "Squid Game" setting
18 Critical hosp. areas
20 Pre-Lent festival
22 Ghosts, to many
24 Wreck
25 Bird associated with Isis
26 "It was me"
27 Golden ___
28 Khan of Khan Academy

1 Bobby who was backing guitarist for Sam Cooke
2 Navigate like a bat
3 Betty ___
4 Home of more than 16,000 slot machines
5 "Atonement" author McEwan
6 Cup holder?
7 Location of a famed leaning tower
8 Black-tie affair
10 1998 Disney princess
12 Copycatting
15 11-across country
17 Half-baked?
19 Saucer or toboggan
21 Eye part
22 Sublime genre
23 Smoke