
MIT Police Department releases 2024 security and fire safety report

Reports of criminal offenses decreased from 29 in 2021 to 22 in 2023

On Sept. 25, the MIT Police Department released the 2024 MIT Annual Security and Fire Report. The report was sent out to the MIT community and contains information about policies related to misconduct and safety in the community, as well as methods to report crimes and policy violations. In order to comply with the Clery Act, the report also has campus crime and fire safety statistics from 2021 to 2023. 

The total number of criminal offenses decreased from 29 in 2021 to 23 in 2023. The report’s definition of total includes campus, non campus, and public places. Crimes under the residence column are included in the campus column. Reports of fondling decreased from 14 in 2021 to 5 in 2023. Reports of rape increased from 4 in 2021 to 15 in 2022, and then decreased to 6 in 2023. The number of aggravated assaults had a slight increase from 5 in 2021 to 6 in 2023, and the number of burglaries increased from 3 in 2021 to 5 in 2023. 

For Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) offenses, reports of dating violence increased from 0 in 2021 to 2 in 2022, and decreased back to 0 in 2023. Reports of stalking increased from 7 in 2021 to 12 in 2023, and reports of domestic violence increased from 3 in 2021 to 5 in 2023.

From 2021 to 2023, there were no arrests for weapons, drug abuse violations, and liquor violations. For disciplinary referrals, there were none for weapons and drug abuse violations. Disciplinary referrals for liquor law violations decreased from 49 in 2021 to 31 in 2022, but increased to 47 in 2023. 

The number of total hate crimes decreased from 1 in 2021 to 0 in 2022, but increased to 3 in 2023. In 2023, there was one hate crime related to religion, and two hate crimes related to sexual orientation. 

From 2021 to 2023, there were two fires in MIT residences. One happened in Westgate Apartments in 2022 due to a stove top fire in a communal kitchen, while the second one occurred in Ashdown House in 2023 due to an oven fire. Baker House had no fires, but had $800 of property damage in 2023. 

Crime reports can be made to the MIT Police at (617)-253-1212 or anonymously at (617)-258-8477.