
Kornbluth highlights progress made by the Institute in a call for giving

In a message to the MIT community, President Sally Kornbluth took to galvanizing potential contributors to the Institute with an overview of the various initiatives that MIT has been developing since her assuming tenure. 

Of note, Kornbluth wrote: “American universities have been in the news a lot lately, in ways that can tend to obscure their central mission and the value they bring to the world.” 

She began with the Climate Project at MIT, noting the Institute’s long-standing
“pioneering contributions to fields related to climate change,” but stated that the current status of the climate crisis necessitates a “different order of ambition, focus, scale, and collective impact.” Kornbluth described the legacy of support for such efforts, stating they will contribute to “develop[ing] and deliver[ing] technological, behavioral and policy solutions to the world in time to make a difference.” 

Kornbluth also reiterated the Institute’s position as a leader in AI innovation and policy, noting the publication of 43 papers in the spring that have gained over 100,000 reads. This culminated from an invitation to the faculty to project roadmaps for the field, offer policy recommendations and spur calls for action. 

The President concluded the note by thanking the continued support of benefactors to the Institute.