Opinion guest column

Goodbye, MIT

Editor’s note: This letter was penned by Charles (“Chuck”) Thompson, the former store manager for the Dunkin shop in the Student Center. Thompson held the store until a new managerial team took over in the summer.


Hello, this is Chuck. I was the former store manager for Dunkin and Cambridge Grill. Unfortunately, the higher ups chose to eliminate my employment at MIT.

Being at MIT for the last 11 years created some lifelong memories I will cherish and never forget. I would have never left my job if I wasn’t forced out.

I would like to start out by thanking my staff, who carried me for 11 years. I also want to thank all the faculty, facilities workers and campus police who I had many friendships with. Last but not least I want to thank all the students that I saw daily who would make me smile on a regular basis. Since this happened in the beginning of the summer, I wasn’t able say goodbye in person — Ellie at MIT was gracious enough to give me this forum. (Editor’s note: ‘Ellie at MIT’ refers to Ellie Montemayor ‘26, the Tech’s publisher.)

I was very committed to serving everyone at MIT. I wish everyone health and happiness with much future success. I’ve always said, “I’m only as good as the people who work for me.”

Now to add to that I also feel that you are only as good as the friends and family that surrounds us.

Thank you so much,
