Opinion guest column

A Nation’s Cry for Liberty: Venezuelan Students at MIT Speak Out Against Election Fraud

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Two Venezuelan MIT students holding up a sign calling against the recent presidential election in Venezuela which numerous experts and media outlets have decried as marred with fraud.
Courtesy of Javier Gil

This Sunday, July 28th, the presidential elections were held in Venezuela. The results revealed that  the Venezuelan opposition party led by Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado  collected more than 70% of the votes in favor. At the same time, dictator Nicolas Maduro along with the electoral council (CNE) proclaimed himself president-elect, stealing the legitimate results. As a result, there was a massive reaction of the people defending their votes in the street. Meanwhile, the regime is sending the armed and collective forces to the streets to repress, harm, or murder anyone who defends their rights. After 25 years under a dictatorship, Venezuelans are fighting more than ever to get their freedom.

It is our job to say something. But in this moment of profound hopelessness, when hot tears blur our disbelieving eyes, the only words that seem appropriate should be directed to the evil author of this suffering.

Your blatant corruption, disregard for democracy, and authoritarian rule have plunged our beloved country into unprecedented despair. Monster! Killer! Beast! Isn't  the suffering you've inflicted upon the Venezuelan people enough? How many more families will be torn apart until you stop your vile attacks on our dignity? How many more lives must be lost before you decide to relinquish your grip on power? What was it you wanted us to believe after you proclaimed yourself the winner of Sunday’s election? Whatever it was, know that you failed.

Did you want to make us fear? We stand united and defiant, more determined than ever to fight for justice.

Did you really expect us to accept your fraudulent results? You just fueled our desire for change.

Do you feel strong in your ill-gotten power? You are about to learn.

Let us tell you about who we are. We are a group of students who left Venezuela in search of a future that was stolen from us. Our families were targeted by relentless oppression and persecution, forcing us to flee for our safety. We are also young and ambitious. Our small group is composed of future engineers, doctors, lawyers… We are lucky, too, spoiled by the fortune of having the resources to leave, a privilege not shared by many of our friends, who sadly remain trapped. And we all suffer from the injustices occurring in our homeland. We never truly left; we simply live farther away.

Some people––you, perhaps––think that all of this makes us weak. Know that you are wrong. We are not weak. In fact, we are strong in ways that you could not imagine.


Yes, we are in despair. We are in mourning and reeling from the shock from the fraudulent election results. We are still grappling with the blatant insult of your so-called victory. Our hearts ache for the families who have lost loved ones to violence during peaceful protests. Our anger burns for the hundreds imprisoned and tortured for their political beliefs. Your legacy will be one of shame and failure. You have inflicted upon our nation suffering and bloodshed unlike any we have endured before.

But there is a stark difference between hurting us and making us surrender. We are tired. Our folks will not endure any more humiliation. The voices of millions demanding justice and transparency cannot be silenced. It occurs to us that you expected to maintain control without significant challenge. But we know our people, as we believe you do not. The Venezuelan people are resolute and will not relent until their voices are heard and their will is respected. Your attempts to subvert democracy will only fuel our determination to fight for justice and reclaim our rightful future.

To The Resilient People of Venezuela: Gloria al Bravo Pueblo!

Your courage and commitment to fighting for democracy amidst overwhelming adversity inspire us all. We, the Venezuelan students at MIT, stand with you in the struggle to reclaim our rights and restore justice to our homeland. Your bravery does not go unnoticed, and we are deeply moved by your determination.

To students and individuals across institutions everywhere

We call on you to join us in spreading awareness and shedding light on the dire situation unfolding in Venezuela. By amplifying our voices and bringing global attention to their plight, we can help support their fight for freedom and hold the regime accountable. It is a plea of humanity to the world. FUERZA VENEZUELA! 


Javier Gil

Undergraduate Student 2026 | Chemical and Biological Engineering

Javier arrived in the United States in 2018 in search of a better future after fleeing Venezuela due to the dictatorship. He is currently studying chemical-biological engineering, driven by a passion for scientific innovation. Despite the distance, Javier remains deeply moved by the situation in his homeland and has never stopped caring about the people and challenges he left behind. His experiences fuel his determination to succeed and make a positive impact in both his new community and his native country.

Mauricio Pereira

Undergraduate Student 2026 | Control, Instrumentation, & Robotics Engineering

Mauricio left the country in 2015 and lived in Panamá until 2020, when he moved to Florida. In addition to pursuing his major (2A-6) at MIT, Mauricio is passionate about the ethical implementation of robotics and advocating to ensure that it benefits developing countries and addresses their unique challenges. Along with Javier, Mauricio has started a campaign to spread awareness about the situation in his homeland and draw support from the distance. In the future, he hopes to leverage his career to contribute to Venezuela's recovery and development.