Jugglers of all sorts and ages performed at Walker Memorial Friday evening.
Kevin Ly
A performer practices "contact juggling" by manipulating a clear, glass sphere.
Kevin Ly
David Rush breaks the Guinness World Record on Friday night (Sept. 14) for taking the most bites out of an apple while juggling at Walker Memorial.
Kevin Ly
After David Rush breaks the Guiness World Record, his toddler picks up the remnants of the apples.
Kevin Ly
A young girl learns the grip and technique for spinning the hoops from an experienced juggler. A juggler maintains eye contact with a ball as he juggles to keep all four in motion. A spinner practices with RGB lit orbs before the show starts. A performer moves to keep the hacky sack in air as part of the Foundations of Freestyle Footbag event.
The 5th Annual Boston Juggling Festival (formerly JuggleMIT) took place last weekend. The festival celebrates “juggling, flow arts, and object manipulation of all sorts,” and this year, it included 3 days of workshops, 2 juggling shows, a 1-trick contest, a dedicated sand-court volleyclub play area, and juggling games. These photos showcase some of the events of the weekend.