

An article about this year’s Mystery Hunt published last week included several errors. The article incorrectly stated that Setec had won Mystery Hunt in 2002, 2005, and 2009; in fact, before this year, Setec had won in 1999, 2001, and 2004. The article misstated the class year of Chris Morse, the leader of Setec. He graduated from MIT with a PhD in 1998, not 1982 (this mistake was introduced during editing). He was a professor at Tufts in 2004, the last year Setec won Mystery Hunt, but is now a teacher at St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire. About 40 teams, not 18, participated in Mystery Hunt 2016.

Ray Hua Wu about 9 years ago

Is this a puzzle?

Nabal Zbhfr about 9 years ago

There were over 60 teams participating this year, you clowns.