
Three MIT research teams receive Department of Energy awards

Three MIT research teams receive Department of Energy awards

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) awarded five million dollars to an integrated research project led by Professor Charles W. Forsberg ScD ’74 of the department of nuclear science and engineering. Forsberg, NSE Professor Lin-wen Hu, and collaborators from University of California at Berkeley and University of Wisconsin at Madison received extended funding for their commercial high-temperature salt-cooled reactor, according to the MIT News Office.

Additionally, Benoit Forget, associate professor of nuclear science and engineering, and Kord Smith, the Korea Electric Power Company Professor of the Practice of Nuclear Science and Engineering, obtained a $400,000 grant in a separate NEUP Research and Development Award for developing Benchmarks for Evaluation and Validation for Reactor Simulations (BEAVRS) to allow for validation of the accuracy of physics computation tools.

Mechanical engineering professor Alexander Slocum also received a $400,000 grant from the NEUP initiative in order to develop a seawater uranium extraction system that uses the infrastructure and power of offshore windmills.

—Amy Wang