

Meal plan change period ends tomorrow. It will not be possible to add, remove, or swap meal plans after Sept. 17.

Career week continues until the end of this week. Career fair will take place Friday, Sept. 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Johnson Athletic Center and Rockwell Cage. (See the schedule of other events on page 13.)

Choose to Reuse will take place Thursday, Sept. 18 on the first floor of Stata. Drop-offs will be accepted beginning at 8 a.m. and collection may take place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. All items are free.

The MIT Police bike auction will take place Friday, Sept. 19 at noon at 290 Albany Street.

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1 Comment
Bryt over 10 years ago

Per email from, the Choose to Reuse event will be held in Lobby 13 this month (September 18, 2014). The event is expected to return to the Stata Center's TMSC lobby in October.