
Prayer expunged from graduation after op-ed

Yet ‘silence is not inclusion,’ chaplain says

Religious prayer, a part of the commencement invocation in previous years, will no longer be included in the ceremony, according to a message from members of MIT’s Commencement Committee sent to undergraduates in May.

Instead, the email said there would be an “inclusive, secular invocation.”

The change came in the wake of a Tech op-ed by Aaron L. Scheinberg G opposing the prayer and a survey administered to undergraduates by the Undergraduate Association soliciting feedback on the prayer.

Scheinberg’s op-ed objected to the religious prayer delivered by MIT chaplain Robert M. Randolph, suggesting the tradition was exclusionary to the sizeable portion of MIT students who do not believe in the “God of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed” invoked in his 2013 rendition.

When asked whether he was personally in favor of the change, Randolph said: “I think there is more conversation to be had. We are a very diverse community and silence is not inclusion nor does it lead to education.”

Scheinberg said that students had brought up the religious invocation at a meeting of the Secular Society of MIT, a student group. “People felt personally upset in a way that I wasn’t,” he said.

After the text of the prayers of previous years was sent to the group’s discussion list, however, first Cory D. Hernandez ’14 and later other members of the Secular Society met with Randolph about the matter.

In these meetings, before the publication of Scheinberg’s op-ed, Randolph said that he wanted to make the invocation as inclusive as possible by finding a compromise between different student requests.

Scheinberg said that after the op-ed was published he received a great deal of positive feedback.

“That kind of support maybe a week after the op-ed came out made me contact the administration,” he said. “I sent an email to Grimson and President Reif summarizing the article and saying, ‘Here’s the feedback I received.’” (Capital campaign head Chancellor Eric Grimson PhD ’80 is the chair of Commencement Committee.)

According to UA President Sidhanth P. Rao ’14, Executive Officer for Commencement Gayle M. Gallagher contacted him and Class of 2014 President Anika Gupta ’14 on April 24 to seek their personal input, as well as that of the undergraduate body.

In response, the UA, with the help of the Class of 2014, sent out a survey to undergraduates on April 27, citing Scheinberg’s piece (but incorrectly identifying it as an editorial rather than an op-ed). Rao said that neither he nor Gupta had received comments from students about the invocation before the publication of Scheinberg’s piece, and they only received one before the release of the survey.

The survey received 617 responses, according to Rao, who said that while there was no certificate authentication process, there did not appear to be duplicate submissions to the form, which only allowed text-based comments.

Data provided by Rao showed that 566 of the responses were aggregated by sentiment into categories ranging from “[the invocation is] important to have” to “I won’t attend if invocation remains.” A plurality, 246 respondents (43 percent), were classified as saying they would “like to remove” the religious prayer, while 193 respondents (34 percent) said they would “like to have” it.

The proportions of responses saying the prayer was “important to have,” “not a big deal,” or “important to remove” were each less than 5 percent, while those classified as preferring a “moment of silence” made up 11 percent of the responses. Among those who provided a reason for preferring to keep the prayer, nearly three-quarters of those 63 responses cited tradition.

Scheinberg, UA Vice President Devin T. Cornish ’14, Gupta, and Chandler R. Schlupf ’14 met with the Commencement Committee to discuss the results of the survey. Randolph was not present at the meeting.

Scheinberg also felt that written suggestions for an invocation without a prayer that he prepared for the meeting were useful in explaining the objection to the religious aspect.

According to Gallagher, Grimson also consulted with other “senior officers” in MIT’s administration about the decision. She said she had not received complaints from faculty or students in previous years and that to her knowledge no such change has been considered before.

Randolph told The Tech that he was involved with both the decision to remove the religious prayer and the determination of an alternative invocation.

“The important thing is that student voices were heard,” Randolph said. “We all have things to learn and sometimes we learn best from one another.”

Gupta said, “I was really happy with the process by which the decision was made. Student feedback was sought on a controversial topic, and a decision was made that clearly took this feedback into account.”

Patricia Z. Dominguez contributed reporting.

Ed Artigue over 10 years ago

Unfortunately, in any case like this, if one side says "I won't tolerate ____ because I don't believe it to be good or true", the exclusion of it is forced upon those who find it important or meaningful. There is some value in very old institutions, I think, to continue old traditions despite a lack of 'great significance"....though I thought saying "a part of commencement 'IN RECENT YEARS' for an institution that probably practiced it for over 130 years is a pretty cheap and obviously slanted way of referring to it. "Godlessness" in any traditional sceme and the inference of Moral Relativism is, however, the new national orthodoxy (at least publically), so go which way the wind avoids trouble.

Matt Putnam '09 over 10 years ago

#1: Nobody is forcing exclusion. If theists want to pray then they can pray. All that's changed is that a group prayer is no longer performed as part of the ceremony.

Jamison Hope '04 over 10 years ago

I think it's worth noting that the original objection that the tradition was exclusionary to the sizeable portion of MIT students who do not believe in the God of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed makes absolutely no sense. It stopped being an identifiably Christian or even Abrahamic tradition a long time ago. The invocation in 2005 was led by the Hindu chaplain.

An Oracle over 10 years ago


Why believe?

When PROOF is absent,

TRUTH must be discerned!

Read: "Godless"

Author Dan Barker, a former evangelical preacher; having lived a religious life as deeply as anyone does when addicted

to one hundred generations of hearsay about lying fairy-tale dogma,"Religion" forced upon adiamorphic, pristine minded

innocent children by 'addicted' parents; is a genius for accomplishing what many of us find impossible! That is, to totally free ourselves from slave-like addiction to mind corrupting lies, and mind-control that were foisted and forced upon us by parents who had suffered the very same when they too, as we were, totally without any possible means of defending themselves.


In his 'next' BOOK Author Barker should be specific in delineating the mental distortions that result from corrupting the minds and often the bodies of the religiously addicted innocents once they've suffered the forced inculcation of religion, a plague of the mind, that many foolish enslaved parents, so inconsiderately but, deliberately, inflict upon their children!


Barker should now, explicitly delineate the fraudulent facts he has uncovered that caused his renunciation of the religion that he spent half his adult life promoting and infecting others with! Including the absurd lies, ceaseless evil, and destructive corrupting mind-control, that is constantly increased and perpetuated with all sorts of artifices and more lies, by agents of the "Christian Religion's Vatican "with the financial backing and support of our U.S.Government to the devastating humility,endless suffering, and, devastating detriment of all Humanity!


Infinity Refutes Divinity! Universe is infinite!

No beginning, no end.. A so-called 'Creator" is superfluous!


Religion is Fraud! And organized crime!


An Oracle

PK over 10 years ago

#1: My belief that there is no higher being is as important to me as your belief that there is a higher being. It's not that I don't want to 'tolerate' a prayer, it's that it goes completely against my beliefs. You can pray before, after, or during the ceremony quietly to bring meaning to the occasion if you so desire. To flip the situation, what if there was a 'prayer' that celebrated graduation and its related achievement in the absence god? What if we praised atheism and celebrated the achievement of the individual, specifically without the guidance of a god? I doubt that you would be willing to tolerate such a practice.

Mary over 10 years ago

Aggressive and offensive comments here, specifically Oracle. Is it not morally criminal to allow and promote the roughly 1.2 million abortions conducted each year in the U.S., which I can tell is NOT promoted by Judeo/Christian faiths. Every person is inherently dignified and worthy of respect under these faiths... a moral view obstinately opposed by the "religion of self" philosophies. "Organized crime" indeed.... The reason you campaign against Judeo/Christiam faiths is your wish to do as you please, including killing others as you please.