MIT is No. 1 in engineering, OCW is 10 years old
MIT is No. 1 in engineering, OCW is 10 years old
MIT ranking sees improvement
Times of Higher Education’s World University Rankings ranked MIT first in Engineering and Technology, second in life and physical sciences, tied for second (with Oxford) for social sciences. The overall ranking is an improvement from last year, when MIT was ranked 7th. Caltech was ranked first overall for the third year in a row.
MIT’s OpenCourseWare (OCW) celebrates 10 years of service
This year, OCW celebrates 10 years online. The site, which provides free access to MIT course materials, has been used by more than 137 million individuals since launching in October 2003, according to OCW’s website. The site, which began with just 500 courses, now includes materials from over two thousand courses.
OCW, however, celebrated its 10th anniversary in February 2011 — 10 years from when the program was originally announced.
SAPWeb and SAPweb Self Service Replaced by Atlas
SAPWeb, the website used to access MIT’s financial and administrative system, is being replaced by Atlas, a “single online gateway for administrative systems at MIT,” according to its web page.
Atlas will also provide information about current events on its homepage.
The site will be expanded over time to provide access to additional systems, according to the site.
—William Navarre