

Friday, April 5

Baseball vs. WPI3:30 p.m., Briggs Field

Men’s volleyball vs. Regis College5 p.m., Rockwell Cage

Men’s volleyball vs. Bard College7 p.m., Rockwell Cage

Saturday, April 6

Track and field vs. Engineer’s Cup12 p.m., Steinbrenner Stadium

Women’s openweight crew vs. Boston CollegeTBA, Charles River

Sailing vs. Lynne Marchiando Trophy9:30 a.m., Charles River

Men’s volleyball vs. Southern Vermont College11 a.m., Rockwell Cage

Softball vs. Wheaton College12 p.m. and 2 p.m., Briggs Field

Men’s volleyball vs. Elmira College1 p.m., Rockwell Cage