
Landlines set to be removed from dorm rooms

Landlines set to be removed from dorm rooms

According to a statement released by the Division of Student Life last week, landline telephones will be removed from all on-campus dorm bedrooms by the end of summer.

To compensate for the removal of phones from individual rooms, Information Services & Technology is working on several initiatives, including installing analog telephones in public areas within the dorms and installing additional cell phone antennas to improve cell coverage in residential and non-residential areas alike. House manager, Graduate Resident Tutor, and Residential Life Assistant spaces will continue to have analog or VoIP telephones.

Installation of hallway wall telephones has been completed in undergraduate dorms. IS&T and Residential Life & Dining hope to have the telephones removed and jacks disabled in undergraduate rooms by sometime this month. For graduate dorms, the expected completion date for wall telephone installation is Aug. 3, with removal of phones from bedrooms when the graduate dorm rental contracts expire after Aug. 15.

—Stan Gill

Anonymous about 12 years ago


With the IP phone system, does MIT actually save any money doing this?

Ruben about 12 years ago

The thing is, they might not save money by removing them, but why have record players installed in the day and age of iPods? As portable communication devices become ever more ubiquitous, there's no reason to keep obsolete technology in every room. Instead, putting money into services the students DO use, such as cell phone antennas, more students benefit.