

The table “Selected other university president’s 2010 compensation” that accompanied last Friday’s article about top salaries at MIT incorrectly listed the compensations for President Hockfield. Hockfield’s 2010 paid and total compensations were $832,629 and $1,000,969, not $1,260,427 and $1,316,463, respectively.

Because of an editing error, an article about faculty involvement in the MIT 2030 process transposed the first initial and middle names of MIT’s President-elect. He is L. Rafael Reif, not Rafael L. Reif.

Also on Friday, an article about the Residential Life Area Director (RLAD) developments misquoted UA president Jonté D. Craighead as saying, “it doesn’t make sense for even the UA or DormCon to say ‘this is the boiler plate for all solutions on campus.’” Craighead actually said, “it doesn’t make sense for the UA or DormCon to say ‘this is the boilerplate solution for all students on campus.’”

Craighead’s quote referencing the anonymous email leak — “But he probably improved some other night weeks in the future…At the end of the day, things are moving in the right direction” — was ambiguous. “Things moving in the right direction” followed comments on the successful meetings with administrators; thus, it referenced how the UA and DormCon were able to overcome the leak in discussions, not that the leak was the proper thing to do.

An article about the 2012 Commencement incorrectly stated that 80.5 percent of the senior class donated to the Senior Gift. The actual percentage was 80.4. The same article also stated that Lois Champy MAR ’71 pledged $30,000 to the Institute because the seniors met the 80 percent goal. In addition, Champy donated $20,000 to the sailing fleet renewal for the occasion of the class meeting the 75 percent goal.

An article published on May 17 about the fire extinguisher incident in Baker incorrectly stated that the fire alarms were on Sunday morning. They occurred on Saturday morning.

The same article quoted Elizabeth M. Albany ’12 saying that students “took over the Student Center with blankets and pillows.” She said they “took over the student center like a bunch of pajama-wearing hobos.”