
The Tech has an audio news digest!

Brief audio news digest available online with every issue

In the time that it takes to walk down the Infinite, you can now catch up on campus news! Just listen to The Tech’s new biweekly news digest. It will cost you 10 minutes each week ­— or less than 0.1% of your time. You can subscribe to the podcast at

The Tech inaugurated this new feature on May 4 ­­— you may have noticed it on our webpage’s sidebar. Our hope is to make it easier for students to stay informed about campus issues.

The life of an MIT student is busy and stressful. As you prepare for your future, it is easy to see how reading The Tech gets relegated to the back burner. However, life does not begin only after graduation. Citizenship starts in your immediate community, and it starts now.

This is easier said than done. Students tell us that they simply do not have time for the news, and we hope that the audio digest will lower the activation energy required to engage in the community.

We aim to release a digest on Tuesday and Friday, accompanying each issue of the Tech. We hope you enjoy the news digest!