
MacG not yet filled for summer housing

MacG not yet filled for summer housing

There is good news for those on the summer housing waitlist. 77 people, mostly from MacGregor, have declined their given housing as of Wednesday. The bad news is that the waitlist only includes students who did not get into Senior House, Bexley, or Random, but don’t want MacGregor, according to director of housing Dennis J. Collins.

Of the four dorms open for summer housing — MacGregor, Random, Bexley, and Senior House — MacGregor is the only dorm with open space. Random and Bexley are filled to capacity while Senior House is filled to half capacity to leave room for kitchen renovations. The 73 residents living in Senior House will only have one kitchen open during the summer while the rest are being redesigned. Collins said that the dorms open for the summer were selected because of their amenities: Senior House is cat-, smoking-, and handicap-friendly; Bexley is cat- and smoking-friendly; and Random is cat-friendly. All four dorms are cook-for-yourself, meaning they come equipped with full, communal kitchens on each floor. The combined capacity of the dorms is about 530 students.

If MacGregor is not filled to capacity, summer residents will fill in entry by entry, so unused sections can be closed. The final lottery to fill in people from the waitlist will take place on May 14.

—Stan Gill

Derek Chang contributed reporting.

1 Comment
atlanticnetusa about 12 years ago

I see it now. They snuck the information into the GIE description. I hope that they decide to go to multiple countries in the region and not just the UAE. I haven't seen anything about my check yet but I guess it will arrive soon.a ""

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