Freshman runs for Republican office
Shinkle goes for committeewoman
CORRECTION TO THIS ARTICLE: This article about Caroline Shinkle ’15’s campaign for Republican State Committeewoman incorrectly stated that only registered Republicans could vote in the March 6 elections. Those registered as “unenrolled,” i.e. those who have not declared a party affiliation may also vote. The article also stated that The Tech was unable to verify Shinkle’s attendance at Republican City and Town committee meetings. Shinkle did attend a Feb. 16 Republican State Committee Candidates forum. The article also incorrectly stated that Shinkle covered the youth vote in the 2008 Republican National Convention for a “CVS” affiliate. Shinkle worked for a “CBS” affiliate.
Caroline B. Shinkle ’15 will be running for the position of Republican State Committeewoman for the district of Suffolk and Middlesex, which includes the city of Cambridge and portions of Boston. The position has been vacant for six years. The Republican State Committee serves as the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Republican Party; its primary role is to recruit candidates for local, state, and federal offices, to build the party throughout the Commonwealth, raise funds for the Republican Party, and support Republican City and Town Committees. This committee has 80 members; a man and a woman from each district.
Originally from Ohio, Shinkle explained that, because Cambridge is predominantly liberal, she wants to help offer a viable alternative to the Democratic Party. “I will do this by reaching out and sourcing candidates who have the commitment, passion, and experience for the [respective] office. I will also put my broad communications background to use to expand the Republican Party’s ranks, to bring in an influx of new voters as well as to keep current members informed,” said Shinkle.
Shinkle will be running against Joyce Kelly, a professor at Massachusetts Community College. Over the phone, Kelly told The Tech, “Right now I don’t even know what I’m doing. I have not been to any forums lately. I just want to stay close to home, in bed, and take my meds. I haven’t even met Caroline.”
Shinkle believes that she is most qualified candidate to “build the Republican Party into a powerful force in my district, throughout the Commonwealth, and across the country.” She added, “I have the determination and drive to lead the charge to end the one-party rule that has dominated Massachusetts politics for far too long.”
Passionate about politics, Caroline has been involved from a young age. “I have really always been interested in politics and my experience spans covering the youth vote in the 2008 Republic National Convention for CVS Affiliate,” she said. “I feel it’s important to get the young involved as soon as possible,” explained Shinkle. Her involvement in politics also includes covering political affairs for her high school newspaper and having served as a senator in the Undergraduate Association of MIT.
Shinkle has already started her campaign for the Republican State Committee. Apart from seeking support from the students at MIT, she has told The Tech that she has attended candidate forums throughout the district, spoken at engagements at Republican City and Town Committee meetings, and Ward events. However, The Tech was unable to verify documentation of her attendance at these events. Shinkle added that she has been going door-to-door and to business establishments throughout her district sharing her views and goals. However, Shinkle admits there is a challenge “in getting my name out there and getting to know the people in my district.” She added that if elected, her goal would be to elevate the perception and presence of the Republican Party in Cambridge.
When asked how her MIT student background affects her candidacy, she responded, “MIT has a tradition of problem solving based on empirical data. I will approach my role pragmatically, focusing on the Party’s performance and addressing the Party’s challenges.”
She hopes to address the interests of MIT and its students by working towards ensuring that the Party embraces science, technology, engineering, and math in its platform as a priority for education. Shinkle added, “I will also seek candidates who will focus on building a vibrant economy and ensuring access to capital for MIT entrepreneurs who are building their dreams and enhancing society.”
The elections will take place on March 6, which happens to be Super Tuesday. Students, if registered in Cambridge as Republican voters, can vote at Kresge Auditorium.