

The UA President and Vice President met with the DSL and student members of HDAG last Friday. Minutes and slides from the meeting are available at ua.mit.edu.

At last week’s Exec meeting, the UA discussed advice for the MIT 150 Open House. The information was passed to Events Committee chair Christine Chen ’12, and we encourage further comments to be emailed to her. Announcements regarding the Spring budget were followed by discussion on FinBoard allocations and the regulation and policies of the board; an ad hoc committee may be formed to continue this discussion. Ideas included having two rounds of allocations per semester and a medium events fund.

Monday’s Senate meeting saw the approval of Jessica Chen ’14 to vice chair of the Committee of Public Relations, minor updates to the constitution, and a lengthy discussion on events between Senators and their constituents. The conversations intended to help Senators improve communication with and proactively find projects that benefit their constituents.

Finally, the UA invites you to have Thanksgiving Dinner with us on Tuesday! As space is limited, please RSVP with the online form. Feel free to direct any further questions to ua@mit.edu!

Alec Lai,
UA Secretary-General