The UA and what it does for you
Q: What is UA updates and answers?
A: We’ve upgraded the old UA update to include answers to common student questions and concerns. So, if you have any, send something towards
Q: The UA? What does it do for me?
A: The Undergraduate Association (UA) represents the undergraduate student body, ensuring that students have a say in campus decisions, whether it’s defending our interests or developing our aspirations. We also work on projects that have a direct impact on student life: allocating funds to student groups, preserving the Trader Joe’s shuttle, purchasing the printer on the 1st floor of the Student Center, and much more.
Q: Well, I think something needs to change.
A: Then consider joining some committees in your area of interest! Talk to your senators, or even come talk to us directly at the UA Office (W20-401). Don’t hesitate. We’ll be glad to give you more information!
Q: Got a website, too?
A: Yep, You can also apply directly for a committee at!
Alec Lai,
UA Secretary-General