
Executive vacancies in UA, ASA

Executive vacancies in UA, ASA

Paul Baranay ’11, speaker of the Undergraduate Association Senate, has resigned his position as Speaker. Baranay announced his intention to resign at the Dec. 7 senate meeting, with the intention to take a medical leave from MIT, he said.

Baranay said in an e-mail that he has “officially transferred to the University of Notre Dame, where I am now enrolled as a sophomore in biology.”

Baranay said that transferring to Notre Dame allows him to be closer to his doctors and to his home, especially to his mother who is battling breast cancer (the cancer is believed to be non-terminal, he said).

Tim Stumbaugh ’12, the Senate’s Vice-Chair, has served as acting speaker. Stumbaugh said in an e-mail that he was “planning on running” for Senate Speaker, and that he was not aware of anyone else intending to run.

Baranay was also secretary of the Association of Student Activities. In addition, the ASA lost President Rachel E. Meyer ’10, who is on medical leave this term and has resigned.

Meyer was also UA HistComm Chair and Dormcon Treasurer.