UA Update
Senate met on Monday, October 26 and started with Barbara Baker, Senior Associate Dean for Students, as a special guest. Dean Baker was interested in ways to communicate better with students, discussed ways to improve Student Life online resources such as the Student Support Services website, and detailed the work of the Deans on Call program. The UA Senate passed 41 U.A.S. 2.1: Bill to Decrease the Minimum Meeting Requirement, which allows for flexibility in scheduling Senate meetings due to long weekends. Senate will be meeting again on Monday, November 2.
President Hockfield hosted several student lunches as a result of a conversation she had at Senate last fall, and the Undergraduate Association and the President’s office are proud to announce that the program is continuing this fall. These lunches are a great opportunity to discuss a variety of issues regarding the Institute and to get to know your school’s president. The lunches will run monthly throughout the fall term and will occur on different days of the week so that more students have the opportunity to attend. If you are interested in participating, sign up at
Dorm Storm is next week! Members from both UA Exec and Senate will be visiting your living group or a living group near you. The will be food, and the UA encourages you to be ready to have conversations with your UA representatives about Institute issues on your mind. The full Dorm Storm schedule is:
Monday, November 2, 9–11 PM: Simmons Hall
Tuesday, November 3, 7–9 PM: Near Safe Ride
(Rain location: first floor of the Student Center)
Tuesday, November 3, 9–11 PM: Baker House
Wednesday, November 4, 7–9 PM: Next House
Thursday, November 5, 7–9 PM: East Campus
The UA looks forward to seeing you there!
—Elizabeth A. Denys, UA Secretary General