
UA Update

Senate met on Monday, October 19 to discuss three pieces of legislation. Senate passed 41 U.A.S. 2.2: Resolution to Continue Transparency and Representation throughout the Institute-wide Planning Process, which seeks to continue undergraduate involvement in the ongoing budget reduction process. On a larger scale, this is part of a push for an increase in undergraduate involvement in Institute decision-making processes.

The Bill to Authorize the Treasurer to Reallocate Money to Student Groups would allow the UA Treasurer to allocate unused funds from UA Executive Committee and operating accounts to the next term’s Finance Board allotment instead of the invested reserve. This piece of legislation was postponed so that voting on the bill would occur in light of further information regarding Senate finances, specifically the UA’s Invested Reserve.

Legislation to decrease the minimum period between Senate meetings from seven days to six days was introduced and will be brought up for voting at the next meeting.

The next Senate meeting will be on Monday, October 26 at 7:30 p.m.

The UA Committee on Sustainability has been conducting surveys about plastic bag recycling in dorms. The committee will be using the results of these surveys to pilot this program within dorms.

—Elizabeth A. Denys,
UA Secretary General