
UA Update

The Executive Committee prepared the Undergraduate Association’s “Response to the Institute-wide Planning Task Force Preliminary Report” based on undergraduate feedback from the UA website. This report was approved by the Senate on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. The Coordinating Team of the Planning Task Force; the Chancellor, Executive Vice President, Provost, Chairs of the Institute Committees, and Chairs of the Task Force Working Groups; received a copy of the final report this week, and the report is publicly available at http://web.mit.edu/ua/docs/updated_taskforce_response.pdf.

The UA Fall Semesterly Budget and Finance Board Appeals were approved at Senate last Tuesday. The Election Code was amended through a bill to ensure that elections results, including vote tallies, are publicly released by 10 p.m. on the day following the end of the election. Additionally, an ad hoc Committee on Alumni Relations was formed; students interested in joining this committee should e-mail ua-car-chairs@mit.edu.

—Elizabeth A. Denys, UA Secretary General