
Police Log

The following incidents were reported to the MIT Police between Mar. 21, 2009 and Mar. 31, 2009. This summary does not include incidents such as false alarms, general service calls, or medical shuttles.

Mar. 21: M50 (142 Memorial Dr.), 12:27 a.m., Basement storage area tampered with.

Mar. 22: W34 (120 Vassar St.), 4:22 p.m., Theft of wallet from men’s locker room locker.

Mar. 23: E51 (70 Memorial Dr.), 5:05 p.m., Attempted break-in of office.

NW22 (185 Albany St.), 7:14 p.m., Report of suspicious person with a screwdriver eyeing up a motorcycle. Motorcycle damaged.

W89 (291 Vassar St.), 8:37 p.m., Report of harassing telephone calls.

Mar. 24: M7 (77 Mass. Ave.), 1:25 a.m., Report of suspicious persons. Arrest of Gregory E. Gales, 10 Cawfield St., Boston, Mass. on outstanding warrant. Second individual given trespass warning.

Mar. 25: NE49 (600 Tech. Sq.), 2:04 p.m., Report of fraudulent check.

W20 (84 Mass. Ave.), 2:26 p.m., Theft of unattended pocketbook.

PBE (400 Memorial Dr.), 7:19 p.m., Laptop stolen.

Mar. 26: NW21 (190 Albany St.), 2:47 p.m., Fight between two homeless males.

Mar. 27: Kendall Sq. T (290 Main St.), 5:43 p.m., Assist to Cambridge Police for assault.

W34 (120 Vassar St.), 7:53 p.m., Wallet stolen from locker in men’s locker room.

W34 (120 Vassar St.), 7:57 p.m., Second wallet stolen from locker in men’s locker room.

Mar. 29: M9 (77 Mass. Ave), 10:26 p.m., Bike stolen.

Mar. 30: TX (64 Bay State Rd.), 4:33 p.m., Camera stolen.

Mar. 31: Lot 2 (20 Albany St.), 12:48 p.m., Vehicle break-in and theft of GPS.