Gadget Review
Oxygen Mini Digital Vaporizer
The Lowdown
Resembling an electronic sea cucumber and billed as the world’s smallest digital vaporizer, the Oxygen Mini Digital Vaporizer from Vapir allows the health-conscious individual personalized aromatherapy at the touch of a button. At a little over 6 inches, the device’s black plasticky shell and futuristic heat shield might be construed as a modest vibrator for Rosie from the Jetsons.
Vaporization, unlike smoking, skips combustion in favor of sublimation, reducing the concentration of noxious gases and particulate matter. The process produces little or no smoke and greatly reduces the harmful effects of smoking.
A breeze to operate, two buttons adjust the device’s temperature, which is displayed on a bright digital screen. The Oxygen Mini uses a tube attachment instead of balloons or bags, and an LED glows green when the device is ready for use. Even at operating temperatures exceeding 400˚F, the included heat shield and auto-off feature kept the device cool and safe for use near flammable objects. The simple thermal controls allow the user to select a specific vaporizing temperature, which varies from herb to herb. But. without any persistent internal memory, the temperature must be readjusted at startup.
Before use, those without the included battery pack must suffer though the electrical yoga of trying to find a wall socket to accommodate the achingly short cord. A car charger is also available for purchase, but with a price point right around $100 for the device, users might think twice before accessorizing.
During field tests, users found the Oxygen Mini to produce a surprisingly subtle vapor, occasionally questioning the effectiveness of the vaporized herbs. Inhalations were followed by a slight “medical” aftertaste, most likely a result of the plastic tube that connects the device with the mouthpiece. Those with a Phelpsian lung capacity may find the device’s diminutive stature to be insufficient, as the small chamber requires more frequent repacking — especially among friends. However, the modular design and belt clip make the Oxygen Mini ultra-portable and a sure hit at any party.
Personal use is where the Oxygen Mini outshines other vaporizing devices. Heated and ready to use in under a minute, the device operates even in windy situations or on the go. Small enough to stuff in a fanny pack but large enough to not be lost among the couch cushions, Vapir has succeeded in producing a portable, albeit slightly pricey, personal smoking device.
Anything else?
Although not a specific drawback of the Oxygen Mini, vaporization offers a decidedly less authentic experience compared with traditional smoking. It is hard to image Bob Marley, Willie Nelson, or James Franco enjoying a toke from a vaporizer, and habitual users of pipes or rolling papers may balk at the experience. Even so, for chronic users the health benefits of vaporization over smoking are hard to ignore. For those in search of a personal vaporizer, the Oxygen Mini delivers.
For more information on the Oxygen Mini Digital Vaporizer, visit
• Extremely compact and portable
• Easy to use
• Durable
• Proprietary power cable
• Not suitable for a sizable smokefest
• Lacks temperature memory
• Cost