Killian Court, Building 10, the Great Dome, the Little Dome, Building 3, and Building 4 as seen from the air on April 26, 2008. Eric Schmiedl—The TechAndreas Mershin of the MIT Flying club preps a Cessna C127 for flight at Sterling Airport in Sterling, Mass. Ricardo Ramirez—The TechMembers of the flying club prepared for the flyover with a “FLY” message on Briggs Field. Eric Schmiedl—The TechBoston’s Back Bay area and downtown as seen from the air. Eric Schmiedl—The TechDorm row viewed from 1,500 feet up in a Cessna C172. Ricardo Ramirez—The TechAndreas Mershin of the MIT Flying Club took Tech photographers Ricardo Ramirez ’09 and Eric D. Schmiedl ’09 up for an aerial photo shoot of the MIT campus on April 26, 2008. For more photos, see page 8. Eric Schmiedl—The Tech
Special Thanks to the MIT Flying Club
The MIT Flying Club is a student-run organization. The MITFC is free to join and offers opportunities for free or subsidized hands-on flying experiences in General Aviation aircraft, lectures, free use of a fully-certified FAA-instrument simulator, carpools to airports, and FAA seminars. The club also sponsors two students per semester to train and fly with the Hawk Flying Club in Lawrence, brings helicopters to Briggs field every September (and offers free rides around campus and Boston to MIT students) and is working on obtaining funds to offer flying scholarships to offset the cost of training for ratings.