
Letters to the Editor

MIT Serves Students, Not RIAA

Natasha Plotkin’s article (“RIAA Sends Institute 19 Settlement Letters Alleging Infringement,” Jan. 23, 2008) mentions that one of the 23 letters sent by the RIAA in May 2007 was unable to be tied to an individual student. This could be improved to 23 of 23 if Information Services & Technology purged DHCP logs frequently, quicker than the time required to execute a subpoena.

This recommendation has been made several times previously, and we still see MIT holding onto data that permit these extralegal fishing expeditions. I call on IS&T to write a Tech column defending their support of this unchecked aggression by the RIAA.

Should IS&T decline to do so, I suggest that students deploy a parallel wireless network in the dorms, using stock wireless routers without Kerberos authentication and DHCP logging, allowing students to use the Internet freely and anonymously.

New Tech Shuttle ‘Isle Ways’

The MIT Parking and Transportation Office is to be commended for finally modifying their shuttle luggage policy to allow small bags and carry-ons so that students traveling light may now actually be shuttled to the MBTA train station. This policy amendment is clearly indicated by (even more) ugly, curling paper signs held up at haphazard angles with masses of sticky tape. And said bags may not be placed on the seats or in the “Isle ways.” Apparently PTO has truly outdone themselves by fitting the shuttles with the latest technology — small islands. May I suggest that next year’s budget include line items for a laminating machine, decent tape, and a dictionary?