
News Briefs

CMS One Step Closer to Approval as Official Major

The Committee on Curricula unanimously voted yesterday to approve Comparative Media Studies as an official undergraduate degree program. COC approval was the “second step in the review of the major,” said Leila W. Kinney, CMS administrator for academic programs.

The Committee on the Undergraduate Program also unanimously approved CMS in the fall after its review last spring. The review assessed five areas: student interest, subject enrollments, student opinion, program infrastructure, and program sustainability.

The undergraduate program, launched in 2003 as a five-year experiment by the CUP, still must meet faculty approval before it becomes a permanent major. The final committee in the approval process is the Faculty Policy Committee. Upon FPC recommendation that CMS become a permanent program, the Institute faculty will vote to decide the major’s status, probably at the March or April faculty meeting, Kinney said.

—Arkajit Dey