
Manmohan, Funakoshi For UA P/VP

Attention Class of 2009! Have you voted for UA President and Vice President yet? Fernando Funakoshi is running for UA Vice President along with Manisha Manmohan for President. The best aspect of their campaign is that he is a member of the class of 2009!

So, you may be wondering why you should vote for candidates who have had no previous UA experience. The reason is that you want your opinion to count. Manisha and Fernando are involved in so many different activities and know people from all sides of campus. They both are very outgoing, very easy to talk to, and always care what people have to say.

Once in the UA, Manisha and Fernando will have no trouble making contacts there. As very outgoing people, they will contact any necessary administrators to meet the needs of the undergraduate population.

Currently, Manisha and Fernando have plans to work closely with Panhel to actually make SafeRide safe, reliable, and have a larger capacity. They also plan to implement a new meal plan that would be more affordable and beneficial for all of campus.

In addition, Manisha and Fernando plan to re-evaluate how the UA is spending its money. In terms of student groups, they plan to give new groups as well as very active ones the money that they need. Also, FSILGs will be given more opportunities, such as more funding for things such as recycling.

Class of 2009, want your votes to count? Vote for Fernando and Manisha. Vote MF!